Long Distance Consulting

We speak "green" to designers, builders, and tradespeople.

We provide remote consulting to help you make those important design and construction decisions.

Typical remote advising tasks include:

  • Load calculations
  • Email response to specific questions and scenarios
  • Bid and contractor evaluation 
  • Research specific to your situation (climate, utility rates and fuel options, building science, whole home energy performance alternatives, etc)
  • Teleconferences with subcontractors, designers, vendors, architects, and other house design and building professionals.


people on video consulting callOur role is to provide "decision support", in other words, expertise and analysis that helps you make an informed choice between costly alternatives. Sometimes we'll ask you to consider options you may not have initially evaluated…thinking out of the box.

As your project unfolds we offer guidance on testing the home at various stages of completion to easily catch and repair errors and oversights as well as guidance on all major home "energy centers" including:

  • HVAC
  • Water heating
  • Kitchen / refrigeration
  • Lighting
  • Media
  • Laundry

We can also assist with pool pumping, standby generators, and other significant energy consumers if present in your project.